How to get from Haikou Meilan Int'l Airport to Sanya?
In most cases you may have got a direct flight from your country to Haikou directly rather than to Sanya. However, most the attractions lie in Sanya esp. the best beaches are all situated in or near Sanya such as Dadonghai, Yalong Bay and others. In the case of arriving at Haikou Meilan International Airport and heading to Sanya straight. The best method is the high speed rail from Meilan Airport to Sanya Train Station. Once you go through immigration and customs in Meilan you walk to the front exit which is straight. Not many people speak English there so it can be challenging, but you don't have to worry as it is pretty straight forward. Sign just outside the front exit pass customs. It shows you the options getting to the Domestic Terminal of the airport (which is where the Meilan Airport Train Station is. The free shuttle bus is ideal. Upon the exit to where cars or taxis are waiting, there is a sign that lists in both Chinese and English the various means of ...